Purpose: To determine if the lumbar spine is the source of the patient's symptoms.
Test Position: Sitting.
Performing the Test: The patient's arms are folded across his/her chest. The examiner places the lumbar spine in hyperextension (the examiner may choose to maintain the hyperextension by placing his/her knee against the lumbar spine), along with combined ipsilateral lateral flexion and rotation to end range. The examiner then applies an overpressure through the shoulders. A positive test is a reproduction of the patient's pain that brought him/her in to seek treatment.
Diagnostic Accuracy: Unknown.
Importance of Test: As this is the lumbar clearing test, it is an extremely useful test to ascertain the source of the patient's symptoms. The combined motion of extension and ipsilateral lateral flexion and rotation decreases the intervertebral foramen to its smallest size. With overpressure, this test can detect wither decreased space for the nerve roots or other innervated structures is the cause of the patient's pain, along with other pathologies, such as fractures.
Note: tests should only be performed by a properly trained health care practitioner.