A couple weeks ago, I did a post on the Manual Muscle Test of the Serratus Anterior. The muscle is very frequently insufficient, which can be a significant impairment for shoulder dysfunction. The role the Serratus Anterior plays for upward rotation of the scapula is imperative. Several of the comments recommended a couple excellent exercises for training the muscle. Below is a video reviewing those suggestions, along with a couple additional exercises that I like to use. Enjoy! *Edit: there is a point in the video where I say "mid-cervical spine" which should be "mid-thoracic" -Chris For more videos like this, check out The Student Physical Therapist Premium Page!
David Shabat
2/17/2015 03:37:18 am
Good day, Chris.
2/21/2015 12:06:17 am
I like the progression of exercises. Another one I use is a dynamic hug with theraband. I also use the foam roller to get more range out of serratus. Now that the serratus has been isolated and activated how do you create the neuromuscular synchronicity to activate appropriate glenohumeral- scapulothoracic mechanics for the patient?
2/22/2015 05:02:28 am
ı how to be member for your site?
2/22/2015 11:33:14 pm
Thank you for sharing your great information. You put together a very good progression of exercises.
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